Clarice Uba graduated in Graphic Design and completed a Publishing MA in Oxford. She
worked as a foreign Editor at Usborne Publishing in London, before returning to Brazil and starting Lume Livros in 2015. Her core motivation is to communicate science-based information in an approachable and interesting way. To give you an insight into her work, we asked her a few questions.
What made you set up your own publishing house?
I have been around books all my life and I absolutely love them. My parents had a pretty big collection, I loved libraries as a kid and I worked first as a book designer and editor and then as a publisher. I think that opening my own publishing house gave me the chance to create the books that I would have loved as a child, and to go even further into all the steps of developing a book project from beginning to end.
In your opinion, what makes a good non-fiction book for children?
Well researched and up to date information is a must, but I think that a great book will challenge the readers to see the world a little bit differently, to embrace more than one perspective and to explore the interconnectivity and complexity of life on this planet. A good nonfiction book should provide some answers but a great one raises more questions and gives the reader tools to keep researching and questioning their points of view.
What is your favourite Lume-title?
It changes with time! Right now, I am really keen on “Stories of Shadow and Dread”. The illustrations are just gorgeous, I love the flow of the text and monsters and horror is a subject that I personally enjoy, and so do kids! Parents might feel uneasy about introducing these topics to children, but it is a natural fascination that is present all over the world and I hope that this title can help the entire family to explore and even embrace the spookiness in their life.
See all the books in our Lume collection here.